Create a Soft RAID1 Array Without Data Loss – How to Guide


I've just bought two 1.5TB disks with the aim of creating a 1.5TB RAID1 array.

In my infinite lack of wisdom (and a lack of space inside the computer – it already had 6 disks), I stuck one in, formatted it to EXT4 and proceeded to copy data all over it from drives that I'm subbing out.

Now I want to create a mdadm RAID1 array with its twin disk. I thought this was possible. Probably involving unmounting and dding the content across but I'm sure I saw this somewhere before…

But I can't find the tutorial I used the last time I was setting up mdadm so I'm scared. I don't want to nuke 800gigs of data.

Best Answer

You're most likely talking about this

"Now use mdadm to create the raid arrays. We mark the first drive (sda) as "missing" so it doesn't wipe out our existing data..."