Linux – Create kickstart configuration file from existing configuration


Is there a script or another way to automatically generate a kickstart configuration file from the system state of an existing server so that the file can be use to replicate (not clone) the configuration of the system in another install?

I know that the anaconda-ks.cfg file is stored on the /root dir. but the system in question have been extensively changed since it's installation, and the file is of no use now.

Best Answer

This is one approach I know of. To my knowledge, there is no method to automatically generate a Kickstart file based on system state.

Run rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' and add to the %packages section in the Kickstart.

Nevertheless, this is not a comprehensive solution for maintaining system standards and builds. This is a more comprehensive answer I wrote on the subject:

Managing an application across multiple servers, or PXE vs cfEngine/Chef/Puppet