Linux – Create tar file on Solaris and untar the file on Linux is it right


I want to create tar file on Solaris (Solaris 10 ) as Kit.tar

and untar the Kit.tar on Linux machine ( linux red-hat 3/4/5 )

Can we be safe with that untar process on Linux machine? ,

I want to be sure that all files (binaries and files) that extract from Solaris ( as tar cvf Kit.tar * )

will be exactly on the Linux machine ( as tar xvf Kit.tar )

SYNOPSIS from the MAN page

on Linux

   tar <operation> [options]

   [-]A --catenate --concatenate
   [-]c --create
   [-]d --diff --compare
   [-]r --append
   [-]t --list
   [-]u --update
   [-]x --extract --get

on Soalris

 tar c[BDeEFhilnopPqTvw@[0-7]][bfk][X...] [blocksize]
     [tarfile] [size] [exclude-file]...
     {file | -I include-file | -C directory file}...

Best Answer

Sure, that will be OK - tar files are not tied to a single platform.