Cron Job Script – Script Does Not Work from Cron or Does Not Start


I created a script to do something (after I reduced it just to echo "IS FINALLY WORKING" for testing purpose). If I type

#bash /var/www/html/somedir/

it works ok.

The problem is that I need a cron to access it and it doesn't work.

To set up the cron I used:

crontab -e

15 * * * * /var/www/html/somedir/ 


15 * * * * bash /var/www/html/somedir/

I see no result at all.

Also I tried to log it

15 * * * * /var/www/html/somedir/ > cronscriptlog.log

The log is empty.

The os is CentOS 5.5.

Best Answer

Make sure /var/www/html/somedir/ doesn't rely on anything outside cron's default PATH. CentOS has the default PATH set to /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin.

You may wish to create cron jobs like this:

15 * * * * ( . /etc/profile && /var/www/html/somedir/ )


15 * * * * su - user /var/www/html/somedir/ 

to get an execution environment similar to that of your command line.