Linux – cset as non-root to set cpu affinity for running processes


I've been playing with cset to set cpu affinity for running processes. I'm recreating the built-in "shield" function manually with set and proc, to add some subsets for specific threads of my application. I have a bash script that is calling cset to create the sets, and move the correct threads to the correct sets. It works when run with sudo.

Now I'd like to make this script executable by another user, who does not have sudo powers. I trust this user enough to be responsible with cset, but don't want to open up the wide powers of root.

I thought that CAP_SYS_NICE — which is needed for sched_setaffinity, which I just assume cset must use — on the script would be sufficient, but that didn't work. I tried extending CAP_SYS_NICE to the cset program (which is a thin python wrapper for the cset python library). No dice. The output of cap_to_text on my CAP_SYS_NICE'd scripts is "=cap_ipc_lock,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource+eip" (it has ipc_lock and sys_resource for other reasons; I think only sys_nice is relevant).

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Rather just give that user restricted sudo permission to only run that script, for example:

bob ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/

Remove NOPASSWD: if you want the user to authenticate with their password.