Linux – csync2 Config command failed error


I've installed csync2 on two nodes with the following config:

nossl * *;
group cluster
    host node1;
    host (node2); # Slave host

    key /etc/csync2/csync2.key;
    include /home;

    exclude *.log;
    auto younger;

I verified that the service is listening via xinetd:

# netstat -vatn | grep 30865
tcp        0      0 :::30865                    :::*                        LISTEN      

However, when I run the sync command I get this error:

# csync2 -xv
Connecting to host node2 (PLAIN) ...
Connect to (node2).
Config command failed.
ERROR: Connection to remote host `node2' failed.
Host stays in dirty state. Try again later...
Connection closed.
Finished with 2 errors.

I thought it's possible that the port is being blocked by a local firewall, so I shut down iptables on both machines. I also telnetted on one server to another on port 30865.

Does anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening?

Best Answer

check that csync is started by xinet: chkconfig --lits csync2

If it is off then add it chkconfig csync2 on

And restart xinetd

service xinetd restart