Linux – CUPS-LPD print server scalability


So the manpage for cups-lpd says "large configurations" are a bad idea, but does not elaborate. Does anyone have any experience with using this tool at scale and how it copes?

I'm looking at around 100 printers receiving 3,000 jobs/hour (total, not each).

As a web programmer 50 requests/minute seems trivial load to me, but if it takes much over a second for each of these it seems it will eventually exhaust itself.

Can this work or am I setting myself up for unpleasant support calls?

(The jobs are RAW pass through straight to the printer, if that matters)

Best Answer

I haven't had any problems with large production printing environments with 100+ printers (running CUPS or LPRng). Is there a reason you're using cups-lpd instead of just using lp/lpr through CUPS?

There are a few CUPS tweaks you can make to ease troubles, though. Depending on your Linux distribution, you will want to change some of the defaults in the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file.

  • I tend to increase the MaxLogSize value to 2000000000.
  • You may also want to increase MaxJobs to a value beyond the default 500 (I use 5000) or to 0 (no limit). This details the maximum number of jobs to keep in memory (active and completed). If you have a high-volume device fail or stall, but print jobs continue to be submitted, this number can be reached easily and will stall the entire printing system until the queues are cleared.
  • In the /etc/cups/printers.conf, I set the printers' ErrorPolicy directive to retry-job instead of the default stop-printer. This means that small connectivity blips/paper jams/etc. won't result in printers going offline, requiring a cupsenable to resume printing.
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