Linux – Custom www-data user in Ubuntu


I use apache2-mpm-itk to run one of my web applications with a custom uid and gid, both for audit and security reasons. This works nicely, however I am not sure what kind of privileges this user would need. I am currently doing something like useradd mywebapp -U -d/tmp -c"Custom webapp User" but that creates pretty much a regular user.

So first a newbie question: how do I add a 'system' user that can that cannot be used for e.g. ssh'in or does not appear in the login screen on Ubuntu Desktop?

And what kind of privileges would I need to give this user? E.g. I assume that www-data can write to the Apache log files, so it needs something more than a regular user. But at the same time I don't want to give it more privileges than necessary to run my webapp, definitely not root.

Best Answer

sudo useradd username 

will work just fine for your requirement. It creates the user with unset/random password. If you insist on disabling shell access to the user you could change the shell option for this user to /bin/false with commands like

sudo chsh username

As for not showing username in GDM login screen, you need to give the username UID below 1000. This makes Ubuntu treat the user as a system user, which then won't show up on the login screen.

Add the user in whatever way you prefer(maybe just like above), and then run:

sudo usermod -u 599 username

Where 599 is an unused UID below 1000, and username is your new user.