Linux – Damaged /vmlinuz and /initrd.img symbolic links after Kernel uninstall


OS: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server Edition

We just rolled back an kernel update using the following command:

sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.24-24-server

The uninstallation was successful, but it had the following message before apt-get exited:

The link /vmlinuz is a damaged link
Removing symbolic link vmlinuz
 you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]
The link /initrd.img is a damaged link
Removing symbolic link initrd.img
 you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]

Should we be worrying about this message? Do we need to re-run GRUB? How do we go about doing this if we have to re-run GRUB?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Those messages are nothing to worry about. The symlinks that are being complained about are only needed if you're using lilo as your bootloader, because it uses those symlinks to find your "current" kernel. Grub, being more flexible, has it's own way of doing things, and doesn't need the symlinks.