Linux – DB Server Disk I/O utilization


I have a Linux server that I use to run the DB of my application (MySql), the server have 8GB Ram and 4 cores.
there are no other applications running on the server besides the MySql.

Most of the time the server disk I/O utilization is about 90-100%.

Here is some extra info:

Uptime: 2387312  Threads: 29  Questions: 344977869  Slow queries: 3380301  Opens: 200483225  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 9  Queries per second avg: 144.504

the DB size is about 70GB, and if i had to define the queries type I would say 60% are plain queries and the rest are more complex (join few tables etc.)

I'm using New Relic go get the I/O utilization, according to Linode (where the server is hosted), the average I/O on the server is: IO rate of 10780 blocks per sec

is this normal?

Best Answer

The number of "slow queries" is a bit high. The disk load seems to indicate full table scans as well. My feeling is that your database is missing some indices on frequently used queries. Look closer at the queries - are they selection values from indexed tables?

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