Linux – Debugging frozen Gnu screen session


We've been using GNU screen on our jump box to have ssh sessions open to multiple hosts within our private network. One window per host.

Recently we've built a new environment and are experiencing frequent screen hangs.
Most often when a lot of terminal output is being spooled to the screen (cat'ing a file for instance), screen becomes unresponsive. The terminal stops updating mid-command, and I can't switch to any other screen window.

I can log into the jump box again, and do a screen -dr , and it attaches like nothing was the matter.
The .screenrc we use is:

bindkey -k k2 screen
bindkey -k k3 prev
bindkey -k k4 next
bindkey -k k7 copy
bindkey -k k8 title
bindkey -k k9 windows
startup_message off
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "%-w%{= BW}%50>%n %t%{-}%+w%<"
nonblock on

While a screen session is frozen like this, can you suggest what I should be looking at to work out what the cause is because I'm fairly stumped?

This is under debian wheezy, screen=4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-7, and these are EC2 instances in case that's relevant.

Best Answer

On occasion, the xterm you're using gets a Ctrl-S from whatever output is being parsed. This causes the session to "lock" in place (like a "pause"), and you can hit Ctrl-Q to resume. There have been several instances where this happens.

History: Ctrl-S sends a "Software Flow Control Off (XOFF)" to the remote host, Ctrl-Q sends the XON.

SSH Tip: If the above doesn't work; Next time the SSH session hangs on you, type ~. (that's "Tilde" and "dot". That should axe the hung SSH session and get you back to screen.