Linux – Delay TCP SYN retransmission on Linux


Our application connects to a device on a radio network. The network has to wake up the device before it can communicate which takes about 3 seconds. In this 3 seconds our CentOS (Linux 3.10.0-957.62.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64) machines sends 2 retransmissions of the TCP SYN packet. The retransmission cause problems on the radio network so I'd like to wait with retransmissions for at least 3 seconds.

Lowering tcp_syn_retries doesn't really change the first retries and gives unwanted behavior when configured below 4 (which is also not advised). It just reduces retries but still follows the same pattern of retries (just less of them).

Setting tcp_frto to 1 and setting tcp_low_latency to 1 did not have the desired effect.

A similar question for Windows is posted here

How do I change the TCP SYN retransmission schema on Linux?

Best Answer

The tcp retransmission of the syn is related with the receive timeout (rto) value (see the source code). By default it equals 1 second (defined here and here; min = 0.2 sec, max = 120 sec).

You can change the rto value for specified route with ip util.

ip route replace 0/0 via <wifi-gw> dev <wifi-iface> rto_min 5s

But the application itself can change the rto value with the setsockopt call.