Linux – delete anaconda-ks.cfg and openscap_data from root folder


I just noticed that after every fresh CentOS 7 (7.2) installation I perform, there are two files created in the root folder (/root):

  • openscap_data folder
  • anaconda-ks.cfg file

As far as I understand the openscap_scanner is a vulnerability scanner that runs after installation and puts its scans in /root/openscap_data. I assume I can delete the folder since I have not use openscap (not intentionally). And anaconda-ks.cfg is the "installation template" that gets created by the GUI installer. Since it stores my hashed root password, I'm not sure if I should keep this file.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

As you pointed these are files created by the OS install ... if you don't need them you can delete them. If you open anaconda-ks.cfg will see the sequence of installation from partitions to packages install.