Linux – Deploy from Tomcat text interface fails Invalid context path null was specified


I have an apparently simple situation: a running Tomcat 7.0.54 instance whose host is configured with autoDeploy=false and unpackWars=true and I want to deploy a new web application there without restarting the server.

From within the server machine I copied the webapp WAR file to the Tomcat appBase directory (webapps/), then from the HTML manager I can succesfully deploy it from the "Deploy directory or WAR file located on server" section by only filling the "Context path" form field and hitting "Deploy".

I'm now trying to do the same from the command line, and while commands such as:

 curl -u admin:password1 http://localhost:8680/manager/text/list


curl -u admin:password1 http://localhost:8680/manager/text/stop?path=/webapp

Both give OK - [...], I can't find any syntax for the /deploy command that would succeed, any attempt results in the following error:

FAIL - Invalid context path null was specified

According to the manager docs, the following syntax should do it:

curl -u admin:password1 http://localhost:8680/manager/text/deploy?war=webapp.war

But it doesn't, and even adding a &path=/webapp parameter doesn't yield a different result.

Permissions on the webapps/ folder are already right: as other webapps already deployed and running, everything belongs to root.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

It turned out there were two issues:

  1. Being on Linux, the & was parsed as a job control and the command ran in the background, so I had to put the whole URL between quotes;
  2. The whole working syntax is:

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