Linux – Determine process using a port, without sudo


I'd like to find out which process (in particular, the process id) is using a given port. The one catch is, I don't want to use sudo, nor am I logged in as root. The processes I want this to work for are run by the same user that I want to find the process id – so I would have thought this was simple.

Both lsof and netstat won't tell me the process id unless I run them using sudo – they will tell me that the port is being used though.

As some extra context – I have various apps all connecting via SSH to a server I manage, and creating reverse port forwards. Once those are set up, my server does some processing using the forwarded port, and then the connection can be killed. If I can map specific ports (each app has their own) to processes, this is a simple script. Any suggestions?

This is on an Ubuntu box, by the way – but I'm guessing any solution will be standard across most Linux distros.

Best Answer

The --program option to netstat shows you PIDs and names of your own processes. This option is present and working on RHEL 6 in netstat 1.42 out of net-tools 1.60.

I verified that netstat -an --tcp --program shows me the PIDs of my processes.