Linux – DNS propagation delay or bad configuration


I have been waiting the DNS propagation for almost 24 hours. I'am no impatient, but I want to know if I configured my zone good or I have any error in it.

I think that is good, because if I use my server dns like my DNS secondary I can resolve and lookup host well.

; BIND data file for
$TTL    86400
@   IN  SOA (
        20120629    ; Serial
           10800    ; Refresh 3 hours
            3600    ; Retry 1 hour
          604800    ; Expire 1 week
         86400 )    ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN  NS  ns1
@       IN  NS  ns2

    IN  MX  10 mail

ns1     IN  A   5.39.X.Y
ns2     IN  A   5.39.X.Z

There is not any errors in /var/syslog about bind daemon. Is everything correct? Do I only need to wait up to 48 hours for the right DNS propagation?

My nslookup from a remote machine with the nameserver of the bind host:

$ nslookup
Server:     bind-host-ip
Address:    bind-host-ip#53

Address: domain-ip

Best Answer

If you are using dig and specifying your nameserver using the @ notation, there is no delay. As soon as you have saved the new zone file and reloaded bind it will start handing out the new information.

If you are not specifying your name servers using the @ notation, (this is what everyone else will be doing) there is most likely caching involved. dig will include the current TTL in the response.

That said, I don't see any A records in that zone file. Did you leave them out of the question or are they not in the file?