Linux – Docker cannot access volumes


I've installed a fresh Fedora Server 22. During the setup I selected the option to pre-install Docker.
I have activated Docker using Cockpit and installed a new container on the command line:

# docker run -d -h plex --name="plex" -v /etc/docker/plex:/config -v /tank:/data -p 32400:32400 timhaak/plex

When trying to run it I get the error:

+ GROUP=plextmp
+ mkdir -p /config/logs/supervisor
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/config/logs’: Permission denied

I've checked the container details:

"Volumes": {
    "/config": "/etc/docker/plex",
    "/data": "/tank"
"VolumesRW": {
    "/config": true,
    "/data": true

and the directory exists:

# file /etc/docker/plex
/etc/docker/plex: directory

everything seems to be fine.

At first I thought there was a problem with the container itself so I tried other containers as well. I encounter the same problem with each of them. They cannot create folders or files (sometimes not even read them).
In the docker documentation ("Managing data in containers") there is a very easy example of creating a new container that simply opens a shell and mounts a volume from the host:

# docker run --rm -it -v /etc/docker/test:/vol ubuntu /bin/bash

Trying to touch a file in /test results in a permission denied error.

Is there anything I am missing?

Best Answer

In my specific case the problem was with SELinux. After setting it to "permissive" I was able to use the containers.

(might not be the best of solutions but works until I setup the SELinux permissions accordingly)

Update: Here is a short blog post from Dan Walsh pointing out possible issues that may arise from using Docker Volumes and SELinux: