Linux – Does software RAID-0 really improve performance


I am going to lease a server and I have two options, SATA or SSD, I decided to save the money and go for the SATA option. But I do not need all that storage they are giving me! So I thought MAYBE I can setup RAID-0 to improve performance of my HDDs.

Since the server does not have a RAID controller I can only set up software RAID, I've had my experience with RAID on another machine with Windows installed! But I did not really notice any difference.

This server will have CentOS installed, so my question is, will I really gain any performance advantage for setting up SOFTWARE RAID-0 on a CentOS machine? Or is it not worth the efforts?


Best Answer

Yes, you will gain performance.

Each harddisk has a limit of how many I/O operations per time it can perform. RAID0 basically distributes the I/O workload across two hard disks. Due to some over head in the RAID0 implementation you can't reach exactly 200% of the performance of one disk, but certainly significantly more than 100%.

An easy way to verfiy this is the hdparm utility with the parameters -t and -T. To see more details about the utility check man 8 hdparm.

The Kernel wiki has a nice Article regarding performance on software raids.

I do have to mention tough that a RAID0 basically doubles your risk of a downtime due to a broken hard disk, because if either of them breaks you are down.