Linux – Domain-0 high CPU load


My Xen HVM machine has 4 cores on 2.4 Ghz however top gives me a load of 2-3. There are running 20 VM's on it (most of them are idle). The HDD is also almost idle (200 KB/s write and 6 KB/s read).

xentop gives me Domain-0 -----r 223766 121.0 4376576 26.1 no limit n/a 4 25 6105332 2824789 0 0 0 0 0 (so 121.0 as CPU% usage).

What's the reason of this? None of the VPSs have high CPU usage. It can't be the IO.

Anyone with some more experience know how to pinpoint this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: You can find the output of top here:
And here's the xentop full output:

There are some Windows VM's on it, I'm using Xen in conjunction with SolusVM.

Best Answer

The high CPU load has been fixed by updating to Xen kernel 3.4.3 (from kernel 3.1.2).

Thanks to those who tried to help me!