Linux – Duplicity Incremental Restores


I use duplicity to manage an encrypted daily incremental and weekly full backup schedule for my Linux box. Though duplicity allows incremental backups, I could not find any way to do anything other than a full restore.

I'm running a 2nd server where I restore the duplicity backup, but I want to keep this 2nd server in sync with the original server through the duplicity backups. The only way that's happening now is if I remove all files on the 2nd server and do a full restore through duplicity every time which is wasteful and slow.

Is there no way to do an "incremental restore" in duplicity which only updates changed files in the restore destination?

Best Answer

I don't think you want to be using Duplicity to keep your second server up to date with your primary. This is why rsync exists and would suit your needs perfectly.

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