Linux – EC2 Ubuntu SSH Stops Working

amazon ec2linuxsshUbuntu

I use about 15 EC2 instances to run some services. They are hosted on EC2 and run Ubuntu. Every once in a while the SSH stops working and the "Reachability Status" in the EC2 console shows that it is no longer reachable. This doesn't happen to all my servers, just periodically. If I stop and start the server on EC2 the problem gets fixed.

What logs can I look at for more information for why my SSH has stopped working? Does anyone have tips on how I can fix this issue?

Best Answer

I had the same issue. I did a reboot and ssh'ed' into my instance and realised my instance was using too much cpu so it freezed. I was in a free account and also i had limited bandwidth and resources so i decided to upgrade my plan .It helps but is not a happy solution :p