vm.overcommit_memory – Effects of Configuration on Linux

linuxlinux-kernelmemory usageweb-server

My VPS web server running on CentOS 5.4 (Linux kernel irregularly (like once a month give or take a few weeks) becomes unresponsive due to oom-killer kicking in. Monitoring of the server shows that it doesn't normally run out of memory, just every so often.

I've read a couple of blogs that point to this page which discusses configuring the kernel to better manage overcommit using the following sysctl settings:

vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 80

My understanding of this (which may be wrong, but I can't find a canonical definition to clarify) is that this prevents the kernel over-allocating memory beyond swap + 80% of physical memory.

However, I have also read some other sources suggesting that these settings are not a good idea – although the critics of this approach seem to be saying "don't do things to break your system, rather than attempting this kludge" in the assumption that causation is always known.

So my question is, what are the pros and cons of this approach, in the context of an Apache2 web server hosting about 10 low traffic sites? In my specific case, the web server has 512Mb RAM, with 1024Mb swap space. This seems to be adequate for the vast majority of the time.

Best Answer

Setting overcommit_ratio to 80 is likely not the right action. Setting the value to anything less than 100 is almost always incorrect.

The reason for this is that linux applications allocate more than they really need. Say they allocate 8kb to store a couple character string of text. Well thats several KB unused right there. Applications do this a lot, and this is what overcommit is designed for.

So basically with overcommit at 100, the kernel will not allow applications to allocate any more memory than you have (swap + ram). Setting it at less than 100 means that you will never use all your memory. If you are going to set this setting, you should set it higher than 100 because of the fore-mentioned scenario, which is quite common.
However, while setting it greater than 100 is almost always the correct answer, there are some use cases where setting it less than 100 is correct. As mentioned, by doing so you wont be able to use all your memory. However the kernel still can. So you can effectively use this to reserve some memory for the kernel (e.g. the page cache).

Now, as for your issue with the OOM killer triggering, manually setting overcommit will not likely fix this. The default setting (heuristic determination) is fairly intelligent.

If you wish to see if this is really the cause of the issue, look at /proc/meminfo when the OOM killer runs. If you see that Committed_AS is close to CommitLimit, but free is still showing free memory available, then yes you can manually adjust the overcommit for your scenario. Setting this value too low will cause the OOM killer to start killing applications when you still have plenty of memory free. Setting it too high can cause random applications to die when they try to use memory they were allocated, but isnt actually available (when all the memory does actually get used up).