Linux – Efficient Send Only Newsletter Mail Server


I'm working on setting up a mail server to send the company I work for's newsletter. The idea is to give us more options and not have to pay another company hundreds of dollars a month to send all our mails. All of our incoming mail is already handles by Google Apps, but I want to be able to send mail from our domain, and am setting up a dedicated VPS to handle this task. The server will also likely contain our list management software and databases.

My Question: What is a relatively easy to configure, extremely efficient mail server that runs on debian or ubuntu?


  • Should be able to send 30,000+ emails an hour on a Linode node.
  • Possible for a person with moderate linux experience to install/configure
  • Easy to setup for mail output only.

My Experience:

  • Intermediate-Advanced Arch Linux snob
  • LAMP
  • LNMP (nginx)
  • bind
  • ubuntu servers

Best Answer

This is not an endeavor to be taken lightly. 30,000 emails an hour requires some serious thought and planning: you're talking like 8 emails a second, say with an average size of 25k (this is a newsletter right?), 200KB/s (or roughly 1.5Mbps).

Now add in latency, DNS lookups (caching is obviously needed), and the reliance on how quickly each recipient MTA (or several MTAs) can converse with your (multiple) MTAs, throttling (so you don't get black or graylisted), bounce handling (my God, the bounces), etc. and a couple hundred bucks a month sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

I'd wager you're going to be spending alot more than that for a cluster of VPSs or dedicated colo hardware.

Couple that with your time: unless you're a dedicated mail administrator, you likely cannot afford to dedicate as much time to this as you think.

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