Linux – EFI pxe network boot error


Asking this on both serverfault and superuser.

When attempting to network boot RHEL 5.4 on an old ia64 machine I get the following error :

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So I've basically followed the tutorial here :

DHCPD,TFTPD etc are already setup and working with standard x86 PXE clients.

I've unpacked the boot.img file into /tftpboot/ia64/ and passed the path to the elilo.efi file via DHCP with the filename ""; option.

Changing this filename generates a PXE file not found error (see below). So I assume that PXE has found the file…
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The only thing wrong I can find in the logs is :

Jan 6 19:49:31 dhcphost in.tftpd[31379]: tftp: client does not accept options

Any ideas? I'm sure I hit a problem like this a few years ago but I can't remember the fix 🙂

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I messed around with DHCP/BootP/PXE a while ago. The easiest thing I can recommend you do is to set up a virtual machine and install TftpD as you can configure it to be verbose and use it to diagnose problems.

From that screen, it looks like as it says, it simply cannot find the file - try messing around with forward slashes in the name (at the start), and keeping it simple, for example try just elilo.efi in the path and place the file in the root tftp directory.

When it comes to diagnosing things like this, you really want to take it to basics and get complicated when you know it is working.