Linux – Enable multicast on dumthe interface on startup


I have a dummy interface on a Centos 6.3 machine which I would like to use for multicast traffic. The problem is it does not come up with the MULTICAST option by default; I need to manually add it with ifconfig dummy0 multicast.

Is it possible to configure the interface to start with multicast enabled? I haven't been able to find any configuration options that do that, and experimenting with adding things like MULTICAST=yes to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-dummy0 have not been successful. Is there a configuration option I am missing, or am I going to need to put the ifconfig command in an init script?

Best Answer

Looking through /etc/sysconfig/network-functions, there is no "MULTICAST" option for the interface config scripts.

By default your interface SHOULD support multicast traffic. It may be that your network does not support multicast. Where I work, we have to enable multicast on our VLANs at the switch layer.