Linux – ERROR: Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist


I keep getting the following when trying to install Chef:

[root@COMMAND ~]# chef-server-ctl org-create chef "Chef Software, Inc." -f /tmp/chef.key
ERROR: Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist!

I am following this guide:

Where am I going wrong in trying to setup the Chef Server? I've search and tried the reconfigure and other options mentioned.

This a CentOS 7 machine VM running as a container in proxmox with 512MB RAM if that means anything.

I've installed version 12.03 as people said that worked for the Chef Server and the latest as well but I keep getting the same results when trying to setup the Chef Server by the guide.

Rebuilt the VM several times and set RAM to 2GBs same result.

Is it always this hard to setup a central Chef server to send management commands from to other servers?

Best Answer

You have to run the ctl commands on the machine where Chef Server is installed, not a workstation. You need at least 4GB of RAM for a Chef Server, though 8 is highly recommended. If just getting started with Chef either use Hosted Chef for now or use chef-solo.

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