Linux – Exchange 2007 Client for Linux


Has anyone had success with a working Exchange 2007 client for Linux?
I'm not looking for an IMAP client or anything of the sort…there's plenty of them around, but a client that actually supports the exchange 2007 protocol.
I've tried Open Change MAPI to no success, I'm unsure if this is because I'm doing it wrong or because of our external hosts strange multi-client setup.

Does anyone have any working experience with any?


Best Answer

The bad news is that there isn't any decent Exchange clients for Linux, other than possibly some crap connector for Evolution that will only compile on Suse.

The good news is that starting with Exchange 2007, there is a SOAP web-services interface for Exchange, so it's now feasible for somebody to actually write a client, which wasn't the case with MAPI. Microsoft is updating its Mac email client and Apple is providing native support with Snow Leopard, so something should pop up one of these days.

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