Linux – expect script not working with bash script


I want a script that ssh to remote server and then run a script which is at my local machine and then store the output on my local machine

Expect script for ssh to remote server:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set Timeout 2
        set IPaddress
        set Username "username"
        set Password "password"

        spawn ssh $Username@$IPaddress
        expect "ssword:"
        send "$Password\r"

script to be run on remote machine and gather the data:


for serveraddress in `cat list.out`
"seeisso $serveraddress | grep -E -i ' os |proddropdown'"
done >> getos

Not sure how to :
1. combine both and get the result.
2 in expect script it does not takes the \r and returns to newline.

Best Answer

Quick sample

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
set Username "user"
set password "pass"
set ipaddress "host"
set script "script-name"

spawn $env(SHELL)
send -- "ssh $Username@$ipaddress $script\r"
expect "assword: "
send -- "$password\r"
send -- "exit\r"
expect eof

That will work to execute the script on the remote side. I didn't toy with it too much but when it's done you have to Ctrl+C to exit expect. At this point I'd be setting up ssh keys for a small environment and for a larger use puppet or something to manage it then for even larger go for single sign-on probably kerberos.