EXT4 Filesystem – Resolve ‘No Space Left on Device’ Error


I have been through the other questions/answers regarding inode usage, mounting issues and others but none of those questions seem to apply…

df -h

/dev/sdd1 931G 100G 785G 12% /media/teradisk

df -ih

/dev/sdd1 59M 12M 47M 21% /media/teradisk

Basically, I have an EXT4 formatted drive 1TB in size, and am writing arount 12 million (12201106) files into one directory. I can't find any documentation on a files-per-directory limit for EXT4 but the filesystem reports no space left.

Oddly, I can still create new files on the drive and target folder but when doing a large cp/rsync, the calls to mkstemp and rename report no space left on device.

rsync: mkstemp "/media/teradisk/files/f.xml.No79k5" failed: No space left on device (28)

rsync: rename "/media/teradisk/files/f.xml.No79k5" -> "files/f.xml": No space left on device (28)

I know storing this many files in one directory isn't advised for a ton of reasons, but unless I can help it I don't wish to split them up.

Inode and space usage for tmpfs, the device and everything else looks fine. Any ideas of the cause?

Best Answer

The XFS filesystem would be a more supportable (long-term) solution for what you're trying to do now. Large file-count directories are not a problem for XFS. Of course, fixing this at the application level would also be helpful...