Linux – fast VNC server on Linux


How can I make my VNC server on a Linux machine fast as possible (without trading off security) (and connecting to an already running X session)?

I'm running a VNC server (x11vnc) on my Ubuntu and I occasionally connect to it from another Ubuntu machine over LAN.

x11vnc -localhost -usepw -ncache 10 -forever -display :0

I use above command and SSH port forwarding. I connect with this (xtightvncviewer):

vncviewer -encodings 'copyrect tight hextile' localhost:0

Connecting to an already running X session is important. If that were not case, I'd use NX or SSH X11 forwarding.

Best Answer

TightVNC over SSH has a decent reputation for speed. I don't know if you're going to notice a lot of difference among different implementations though.