Linux – File sharing between MAC, Linux


Here is what I want to do:
Share files between MAC OSX (snow leopard) machine and Ubuntu (10.* and 11.*) on a local network. I know 2 solutions:

Samba: easy to setup but it is not case sensitive so it does not work for me because I program Android stuff and it requires a case sensitive filesystem.

NFS: It works to transfer a few files but if you try to copy a large number of files it gets very slow and end up locking up. I tried to fix NFS with many solutions found on the WEB but none worked. Since I use some very nice Github Client (Tower) it just not work because it needs to deal with lots of file at the same time at it has the same behavior as a large number of file copy, it locks up after a few minutes.

What other solutions are available to share files between MAC and Linux (Ubuntu) with case sensitivity on a local network?

Best Answer

Because I feel that samba is a great choice, I'm going to have to correct your statement. The default setting for Samba is to rely on the OS to determine if they care about case sensitivity (case sensitive = auto). For Linux and OSX, this defaults to yes (case sensitive), while windows defaults to no (case insensitive). This is known as name-mangling, but wouldn't be an issue in your case. See the man page for details.

Its also important to note that Windows XP and beyond have a better understanding of case sensitivity.