Linux – File writing issue with mounted ftp drive with curlftpfs


I have mounted an ftp account to my linux folder using below command

curlftpfs -o user=userid:password ip-address /home/temp -o kernel_cache,allow_other,direct_io,umask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000

The problem i am having is whenever I am trying to save data to any file on this mounted folder i.e. any text file it gives "Input/output error , unable to flush data " , afterwards the file is created in folder but data is not written to the file

Is there anything i am missing with the command? I am using below curlftpfs version

curlftpfs 0.9.2 libcurl/7.29.0 fuse/2.9

I also found link below which shows some patch but there seems no documentation on how / where to apply it , any idea how to apply this patch?

Best Answer

have you tried to mount without any options? From provided link suggestion is to mount with default options : curlftpfs ftp://userid:password@ip-address /home/temp

Also, umask=0000 is too open. Try use 0022 or 0002. Try check /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log for some info. "dmesg" command may be helpful too. This depends on distro you are using.

Could you please connect via native ftp-client and upload some files into remote server? May be userid has no write permissions?