Linux fileserver storage pool


Is it possible to get linux server to share several hard drives as one storage pool through Samba? So that when I use the share I don't have to worry about saving to a certain drive that has free space, but rather I save to the pool that takes care of all that.

I guess I could do this through some kind of (software) raid, but a lot of my files don't really need to be raided. My aim is to have a setup where I have ~500GB raided and a few TB unraided space.

I currently have a light W2008 server and would like to move to linux and this would be really nice feature to have.

Best Answer

On Linux, you could use LVM to gather several hard drives (PV) into one Volume Group (VG) and partition it with the Logical Volumes (LV) you wish to share through samba.

See this link for more info.

LVM Schema

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