Linux – Find out value of Apache directive setting without access to config files


I'm troubleshooting a time-sensitive file upload app and suspect that the issue could be due to Apache's KeepAliveTimeout directive. Just called hosting support and asked them what the setting is at. They told me "it's not publicly-available information". I have shell access to the shared hosting server.

Searching for httpd.conf terminates without success.

Is there a way to find out what the value for the directive value is without having access to httpd.conf?

Best Answer

Try httpd -V. That wuill show you where Apache is looking for a config file(s). You are loking for something like:

-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"

There is an option to show settings but currently it's not very useful: -S Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently only shows the virtualhost settings).

Ig you have access to vhost settings then you can set TimeOut yourself:

Hope that helps.

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