Linux – Forcefully Unmounting Filesystem


Okay, here's the deal:

I used FUSE to mount a webdav endpoint as a filesystem. At some point it broke. Now, for the life of me, I cannot unmount it.

Any time I try and interact with it in any way, things just freeze. Listing (ls) the directory which contains the mount point freezes my shell up unrecoverably.

I have tried umount -f (force), umount -l (lazy), umount -lf (lazy force) and fuser -km (as I've seen recommended elsewhere) all as root… No luck. Any time I run any of these commands they simply hang until I kill (^C) them.

There shouldn't be any processes keeping a handle open on this mount. I've tried checking with lsof. That, too, hangs.

I don't care if I have to compile a freaking kernel module to patch this thing out of memory… I need a way to get this gone.

I've spent the last hour searching Google and Stackoverflow. Everything is just a repeat of the same old party line: umount -f and umount -l. Does anyone know a way to really, truly force a filesystem to unmount?

(Debian 6.0.9, kernel 2.6.32-5)

Best Answer

Here's another command you can try, though if the things are hanging that badly, this might not help either.

fusermount -u /path/to/mountpoint