Linux – Fresh Proxmox VE 2.1 installation with defaults can’t be reached or pinged


  1. I am using the lastest Proxmox VE 2.1.
  2. My server has two NICS with a uplink only connected into eth0.
  3. My Server is a co-located server utilizing public IPv4 IPs.
  4. It is not behind a firewall or any system which monitors traffic.

Via IPKVM I did a fresh install of Proxmox, I put in the correct IP, Mask, Gateway, and DNS information. The install went perfectly fine with no errors.

Upon completion and rebooting the system:

  1. I am unable to reach the web GUI via the browser, it just times out.
  2. I am unable to ping the server.
  3. I am unable to ping outside to the Internet from within the server. Tried pinging out to and
  4. I tried rebooting the server and restarting the network service.

ifconfig shows my IP information under vmbro0 which also has the same MAC address as the eth0 device.

eth0 only displays an IPv6 Scope:Link address, which I did not setup myself.

This is my first time installing Proxmox, but after searching for a few hours it doesn't seem like anyone else is having the same issue as me from a fresh install with just the defaults. So far the only thing I did was install it.

Also, I know the network cable is good and the IP is good because I was running a Xen XCP server with the same network settings prior to wiping it to install Proxmox.

Some additional information:

  1. for pveversion -v (installed proxmox-ve_2.1-f9b0f63a-26.iso)

    pve-manager: 2.1-1 (pve-manager/2.1/f9b0f63a)
    running kernel: 2.6.32-11-pve
    proxmox-ve-2.6.32: 2.0-66
  2. netstat -nr (note: .136 is my network, and .137 is my gateway)

    Destination     - Gateway         -  Genmask -         -         - -
  3. /etc/network/interfaces

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto vmbr0
    iface vmbr0 inet static
                     bridge_ports eth0
                     bridge_stp off
                     bridge_fd 0

Best Answer

I met this problem and eventually solved it. It's the problem of the LAN we are in. For some reason my LAN doesn't allow me to manually assign IP address when there's a DHCP server out there. The Proxmox installation program use DHCP to detect the network settings and then try to assign the IP manually(by OS) without using DHCP again after reboot. The solution is to ask the system to perform DHCP again by following commands:

dhclient -r vmbr0
dhclient vmbr0

Then the problem should be solved.

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