Samba Share – fsync Failed, Cannot Write to Anything


I have several Samba shares running on my Synology RackStation NAS server. Lets just call these Samba shares:


Each of the newtons is pointing towards a different RAID volume. newton1 and newton3 are working smoothly and accepting files in a timely way, as you would expect a Samba share to. But today I noticed that some users were having difficulty uploading files to newton2 in particular.

On a Windows system; a user copied several files to newton2; the names and file sizes appeared, but these files had no contents.

I tried replicating this on my Linux machine too via Thunar and had similar results.

(Note that this user and I have permissions to write in these files/directories I'm talking about. user=rwx, group=rwx, other=rx)

I tried touch test.txt directly on newton2 and the file appeared, but when I tried editing the contents in Vim I got this error:

"test.txt" E667: Fsync failed

A du . of newton2 shows all of the recently uploaded files are null.

The RAID volume for newton2 shows that only 6GB/30GB are used and the disks all appear healthy.

I'm really stumped at this point… Where do I go from here?

Best Answer

same thing is happening on a server of ours, client is a Linux 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64 on a CentOS 7 server, mounted through /etc/fstab:

//server/sharedfolder /mnt/mountpoint  cifs    uid=5002,gid=5002,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/user/.smbcredentials,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0  0  0

as I am out of idea, I switch the mount to nfs