Linux – GDM login screen is not displayed with VNC


I set up VNC server with xinetd.
Also configured GDM so that XDMCP is enabled.

VNC connection seems okay, but GDM login screen is not shown.
Instead I can only see old bare X screen (gray meshed background and X-shaped mouse pointer),
which I can't do any interaction with it.

What can I do to fix the problem?
No log is written below /var/log/.

Server distribution: Ubuntu marverick

/etc/xinetd.d/vnc is like below:

service vnc1024
  disable      = no
  socket_type  = stream
  protocol     = tcp
  wait         = no
  user         = nobody
  server       = /usr/bin/Xvnc
  server_args  = -inetd -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -once securitytypes=none
  port         = 12345



/etc/services is also configured.


Best Answer

GDM has problems with XDMCP. I had it working before upgrading to Lucid, but it is now broken. I was unable to find a solution. I went with a split implementation using both XDM for XDMCP logins and GDM for my console. My post on Remote Desktops with VNC and RDP details how I made it work. I have been using RDP most of the time as it handles different resolutions more easily.

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