Linux – Get high I/O rate alert from,how to location problem


Today I get an alert mail from "Your Linode, Randy, has exceeded the notification threshold (1000) for disk io rate by averaging 1571.81 for the last 2 hours.".

Last time I get alert like that is several month ago, I keeping get alerts, but at the same time my website network traffic never grow. I try everything, but can not location the problem. Finally, I guess the growing log file size is the problem. I use cronolog cut log file, and problem resolved.

Now,I/O rate chart shows I/O rate is keeping growing too, how to I location problem? Is there anything can help me?

My server is Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS/apache/php/mysql at

Best Answer

You can determine which process is thrashing your disk using the iotop package.

Also, you can change the I/O rate alert threshold in the Settings tab of the Linode web interface.