Linux – Getting rsync to move file from source to destination


Is rsync is a good choice for my project ?

I have to :
– copy files from source to destination folder via SSH,
– be sure all files are copied,
– delete source files after copy.
– if I have conflict name, I have to rename files.

It looks like I can use option : –remove-source-files (to delete source files)
But how rsync manage conflict, can I had rules ?

Use case on my project :

I run scientific calculation on server A and results are inserted in folder "process", for each calculation I have a repository like this : /process/calc1.
Now I would like to transfer repository "/calc1" to server B (I get /process/calc1), and delete "calc1" from server A.
…During another calculation I get "/process/calc2" on server A, the idea is also to move "calc2" in "/process/" directory on server B, then I have now on server B :
– /process/calc1
– /process/calc2
(and /process/ on server A is empty).

How rsync will manage conflict (on server B) if I have another folder like "/process/calc1" in server A after a new calculation (if "/process/calc1" already exist on server B) ?

Is it possible to add rules with rsync, and rename "/process/calc1" by "process/calc1R2" in server B ? And so on (ex:calc1R3) ?


Best Answer

If you really want to use rsync, it sounds like you'll need some combination of --backup, --backup-dir, and --suffix. The closest I think you could get is with something like this

rsync -abv --suffix R1 --remove-source-files src/ dst/

This would do close to what you want, but it would not rename the files exactly the way you'd want. The --suffix option appends text to the end of an existing file, but it only does this for the first conflict. If you ran it again, it would just overwrite your first backup. You'd have to change that suffix value each time the command ran, which would work if you used something with a timestamp, such as this:

rsync -abv --suffix `date +%Y%m%d%k%M%S` --remove-source-files src/ dst/

I'm not sure if this is overkill for what you're after, but it should meet your requirements.