Linux – Granting sudo access for specific command and any flags set (RedHat)


How can you grant sudo access for a specific command with flags.

Ex. I requested sudo access for this command below:

sudo /usr/bin/su - wassa /usr/was7/profiles/dmgr/bin/

I can run the above command but cannot run any of the below commands (it will prompt for password then say I do not have the required access):

sudo /usr/bin/su - wassa /usr/was7/profiles/dmgr/bin/ -lang jython -c "AdminApplication.stopApplicationOnCluster('app', '$APP_CLUSTER')"
sudo /usr/bin/su - wassa /usr/was7/profiles/dmgr/bin/ -lang jython -c "AdminApplication.stopApplicationOnCluster('app', '$APP_CLUSTER')"

I know I could easily request each command separately (which I may have to anyway because of the companies policy), but I want to avoid it in case I need to make any script changes, I won't want to have to submit another ticket and wait.

Best Answer

sudo allows shell-style wildcards (aka meta or glob characters) to be used in host names, path names and command line arguments in the sudoers file.

* Matches any set of zero or more characters.

? Matches any single character.

[...] Matches any character in the specified range.

[!...] Matches any character not in the specified range.

\x For any character ‘x’, evaluates to ‘x’. This is used to escape special characters such as: ‘*’, ‘?’, ‘[’, and ‘]’.

So you could define something along the lines of this to allow both the command with or without arguments:

leeman24 ALL=(wassa) /usr/was7/profiles/dmgr/bin/, /usr/was7/profiles/dmgr/bin/ -*
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