Linux: grep-able monitoring of network traffic and number of connections


I need to collect certain monitoring data every minute and send it to a monitoring server. The source of that data must be parseable using standard Linux tools. For example, to monitor number of current connections every minute, I use netstat -nat | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n, and then I extract the necessary numbers using, again, awk.

Now I also need to monitor:

  • network traffic (data send / received per minute)
  • number of newly established connection in last minute

Please give me hints to tools which would produce grep-able and awk-able output.

Note: Measurements are done on a dedicated machine, so it doesn't matter if I get data for one interface (eth0) or for the whole host.

Note: I need just TCP connections.

Best Answer

iptables rules that are set up to ACCEPT all traffic and all SYN packets (new connections) could be used as counters

iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT 
iptables -A INPUT --protocol tcp --syn -j ACCEPT

then run

iptables --list -v -n -Z

and pipe through as many cut cat sort grep awk sed perl ruby and similar commands as needed to get your numbers. The -Z will atomically zero out the counters every time you run this so there is no race-condition where you lose a few packets during the counting process.

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