Linux – Has anyone successfully resized a filesystem on Centos 7.x to over 16TB


I have a Centos 6.5 server connected to a storage array. It has a 16TB volume mounted from the array. If I resize the volume to 45TB on the array, I cannot expand the filesystem to use that space. Apparently Centos 7.x is certified for filesystems up to 50TB in size. Has anyone successfully resized an existing filesystem on 7.x to over 16TB?

[root@init105-12 hariharan]# lsblk /dev/mapper/3624a93708a6e42d13a7d45ae0001101f
NAME                                     MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
3624a93708a6e42d13a7d45ae0001101f (dm-2) 253:2    0  45T  0 mpath
[root@init105-12 hariharan]#
[root@init105-12 hariharan]# resize2fs /dev/mapper/3624a93708a6e42d13a7d45ae0001101f
resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
resize2fs: New size too large to be expressed in 32 bits

Best Answer

The limit of ext4 is 16 TiB so you just can't

If it is a production env you have work to do...

Try to build the same server on a test environment with an XFS filesystem