Linux – “HDD Status” in ipmitool sensor output


I have a Supermicro "SuperServer 1028U-TR4+" box (motherboard: X10DRU-i+).

I use command

ipmitool -H <ipmi_ip> -U <ipmi_user> -P <ipmi_password> sensor

and get this output:

Chassis Intru | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0000| na | na | na | na | na | na
PS1 Status | 0x1 | discrete | 0x0100| na | na | na | na | na | na
PS2 Status | 0x1 | discrete | 0x0100| na | na | na | na | na | na
AOC_SAS Temp | 63.000 | degrees C | ok | -11.000 | -8.000 | -5.000 | 100.000 | 105.000 | 110.000
HDD Temp | 34.000 | degrees C | ok | -11.000 | -8.000 | -5.000 | 95.000 | 100.000 | 105.000
HDD Status | 0x1 | discrete | 0x0100| na | na | na | na | na | na

What does "HDD Status" mean? I can not find documentation on it.


ipmitool -H <ipmi_ip> -U <ipmi_user> -P <ipmi_password> sdr elist 
CPU1 Temp        | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | 41 degrees C
CPU2 Temp        | 02h | ok  |  3.2 | 40 degrees C
PCH Temp         | 0Ah | ok  |  7.1 | 39 degrees C
System Temp      | 0Bh | ok  |  7.2 | 22 degrees C
Peripheral Temp  | 0Ch | ok  |  7.3 | 35 degrees C
MB_10G Temp1     | 6Ah | ns  | 11.1 | No Reading
MB_10G Temp2     | 6Bh | ns  | 11.2 | No Reading
Vcpu1VRM Temp    | 10h | ok  |  3.3 | 30 degrees C
Vcpu2VRM Temp    | 11h | ok  |  3.4 | 32 degrees C
VmemABVRM Temp   | 12h | ok  | 32.49 | 30 degrees C
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 13h | ok  | 32.50 | 28 degrees C
VmemEFVRM Temp   | 14h | ok  | 32.51 | 26 degrees C
VmemGHVRM Temp   | 15h | ok  | 32.52 | 34 degrees C
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | B0h | ok  | 32.1 | 27 degrees C
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | B1h | ns  | 32.2 | No Reading
P1-DIMMA3 Temp   | B2h | ns  | 32.3 | No Reading
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | B4h | ok  | 32.4 | 25 degrees C
P1-DIMMB2 Temp   | B5h | ns  | 32.5 | No Reading
P1-DIMMB3 Temp   | B6h | ns  | 32.6 | No Reading
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | B8h | ok  | 32.8 | 27 degrees C
P1-DIMMC2 Temp   | B9h | ns  | 32.9 | No Reading
P1-DIMMC3 Temp   | BAh | ns  | 32.10 | No Reading
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | BCh | ok  | 32.12 | 25 degrees C
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | BDh | ns  | 32.13 | No Reading
P1-DIMMD3 Temp   | BEh | ns  | 32.14 | No Reading
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | D0h | ok  | 32.16 | 23 degrees C
P2-DIMME2 Temp   | D1h | ns  | 32.17 | No Reading
P2-DIMME3 Temp   | D2h | ns  | 32.18 | No Reading
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | D4h | ok  | 32.20 | 24 degrees C
P2-DIMMF2 Temp   | D5h | ns  | 32.21 | No Reading
P2-DIMMF3 Temp   | D6h | ns  | 32.22 | No Reading
P2-DIMMG1 Temp   | D8h | ok  | 32.24 | 23 degrees C
P2-DIMMG2 Temp   | D9h | ns  | 32.25 | No Reading
P2-DIMMG3 Temp   | DAh | ns  | 32.26 | No Reading
P2-DIMMH1 Temp   | DCh | ok  | 32.28 | 24 degrees C
P2-DIMMH2 Temp   | DDh | ns  | 32.29 | No Reading
P2-DIMMH3 Temp   | DEh | ns  | 32.30 | No Reading
FAN1             | 41h | ns  | 29.1 | No Reading
FAN2             | 42h | ok  | 29.2 | 3200 RPM
FAN3             | 43h | ok  | 29.3 | 3400 RPM
FAN4             | 44h | ok  | 29.4 | 3800 RPM
FAN5             | 45h | ok  | 29.5 | 3900 RPM
FAN6             | 46h | ok  | 29.6 | 3400 RPM
FAN7             | 47h | ok  | 29.7 | 3500 RPM
FAN8             | 48h | ns  | 29.8 | No Reading
FAN9             | 49h | ns  | 29.9 | No Reading
12V              | 30h | ok  |  7.17 | 12 Volts
5VCC             | 31h | ok  |  7.18 | 5 Volts
3.3VCC           | 32h | ok  |  7.19 | 3.30 Volts
VBAT             | 33h | ok  |  7.20 | 3.24 Volts
Vcpu1            | 34h | ok  |  3.5 | 1.81 Volts
Vcpu2            | 36h | ok  |  3.6 | 1.81 Volts
VDIMMAB          | 35h | ok  | 32.33 | 1.18 Volts
VDIMMCD          | 37h | ok  | 32.34 | 1.17 Volts
VDIMMEF          | 3Ah | ok  | 32.35 | 1.18 Volts
VDIMMGH          | 3Bh | ok  | 32.36 | 1.18 Volts
5VSB             | 38h | ok  |  7.21 | 4.97 Volts
3.3VSB           | 39h | ok  |  7.22 | 3.38 Volts
1.5V PCH         | 3Ch | ok  |  7.23 | 1.50 Volts
1.2V BMC         | 3Dh | ok  |  7.24 | 1.20 Volts
1.05V PCH        | 3Eh | ok  |  7.25 | 1.04 Volts
Chassis Intru    | AAh | ok  | 23.1 | 
PS1 Status       | C4h | ok  | 10.1 | Presence detected
PS2 Status       | C5h | ok  | 10.2 | Presence detected
AOC_SAS Temp     | 0Fh | ok  |  1.4 | 56 degrees C
HDD Temp         | 50h | ok  |  1.4 | 33 degrees C
HDD Status       | 54h | ok  |  4.1 | Drive Present

Also, i see the short switching of this sensor to 0
periodically. I want know what this means.

Best Answer

ipmitool might use sensor number and sensor name for command output. You can use the following command to print the command output in a more friendly format:

ipmitool -H <ipmi_ip> -U <ipmi_user> -P <ipmi_password> sdr elist

This will output all sensor names in your server mapped to the corresponding sensor numbers.

As can be seen from the output you posted, HDD status checks if drive/s is/are present and if the status is ok:

HDD Status | 54h | ok | 4.1 | Drive Present

In the output: the sensor name is in the first column and the corresponding sensor number is in the second column.

For a very detailed info, you can try running:

ipmitool -H <ipmi_ip> -U <ipmi_user> -P <ipmi_password> sdr -v

Here is a link to some very useful ipmitool commands:

Although the page is in german, but commands and explanations are in english, so it should not be too difficult to read it I hope ;)

For official references and documentaion:

Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification v2.0 rev. 1.1

IPMI Technical Resources