Linux – heartbeat: find out machine’s status within a cluster


I'm trying to do some heartbeat debugging.

Is there a simple way to ask a machine whether it thinks it's part of a cluster, and whether it's the master or the slave?

I've tried

$ heartbeat -s

But it only seems to print a very basic status – running with process ID, or not running.

Best Answer

Are you using V1 or V2 syntax?

With V1 there is cl_status rscstatus which will return the Cluster`s Idea of resource distribution (none, local, all).

  • none: All resource groups are running on a different node
  • local: All resource groups that belong to this node run on this node
  • all: All resource groups run on this node

There are some other useful options for cl_status - just call it on the command line...

Also try /etc/init.d/heartbeat status