Linux – Hidden Cron in the Webserver cant find out where its located …


in my dedicated server i have i have hidden cron job (one of the cpanel user account is using) running which is not showing up anywhere (installation is based on cpanel/whm)

first i had a look at the

crontab -e 

to see if there no its not there, then i had a look at the cpanle account cron files


its not there either,



nothing in


i can see it running everyday (becaue i see the emails going) but i cant findout where is this coming from.

Also another strange thing i noticed is the usual setup for

doesn't work but

30 9 * * 3 php /home/username/public_html/protected/cron.php Weekly

this works

15 4 * * * lynx -dump ''

not sure what is this problem and where its coming from and no idea on whats going on in the crons…

any luck ?

Best Answer

The periodic task/s might not be running through cron. If cron isn't logging them and they're not showing up in /var/spool/cron or /etc/cron.d, then check if any other task scheduling daemon (such as monit) is running.

If you find it/them running then you can look up its(the task scheduling daemon's) configuration to find possible suspects.

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