Linux – How does Outlook identify “Extra Line Breaks”


I am writing a script that emails the output to me, and I read it in Outlook. For some reason Outlook removes all the line breaks in the message, and gives me a little notice that it has removed the extra line breaks from the message

How can I fix my message so that Outlook doesn't remove the line breaks?

  • Outlook displays other messages fine (with correct line breaks)
  • I have tried all these things with sed – s/$/\r/ s/$/\n/ s/\r\n/\n/ s/\n\r/\n/ s/$/^M/ – with no luck

What does Outlook expect at the end of a line?

Best Answer

Not sure about what it's looking for, but how about configuring Outlook to not remove them?

Tools -> Options -> Preferences Tab -> click E-mail Options button -> uncheck the box

Another option (albeit not ideal and maybe not even the case for your msgs):

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Open the item.
  3. Click Format.
  4. Click to clear the Unwrap Text check mark.

And here's a post that says that a hack you can use would be to add 2 empty characters to the beginning of each line of text in order to make Outlook not remove the breaks.

Additionally see here for a better layout, add at least 3 spaces at the end of every line (incl. empty lines).