Linux – how i can get all svn repository in notpad or excel sheet for example ? (OS = sunsolaris)


after execute $svn list command i found a large number of repository …and it is complex to find all repository(some svn repository exist in folder within folder within folder and so on) …if you can help me by give me a method to design a something to write this repository list in excel sheet or notpad for example (OS = sunsolaris)

Best Answer

You're doing it wrong!

Instead of manually trying to find something and copying & pasting everything around all the time, please learn the basics of Linux/Unix shell. It WILL boost your productivity through the roof.

Don't believe me?

Let's suppose you need to find where a repository called myimportantrepository is located. This will find it for you:

svn list | grep myimportantrepository

If you want to see couple of lines before and after that match, grep parameter -C will help you. This would print 5 lines of text before and after the found match:

svn list | grep -C5 myimportantrepository