SCP – How to Move Files with SCP?


How to not copy but move files from one server to another (both Linux)?

man scp didn't give me anything useful. I cannot use 'scp' then 'rm' because I must make sure the file is successfully transferred. If there is any error during transfer, the file must not be deleted.

Perhaps I should use exit code somehow, but how? Also, there are a lot of files, and if the last file fails it would be not-so-good option keep the whole bunch of successfully transferred files.

Maybe there is something besides SCP?

Best Answer

rsync over ssh is probably your best bet with the --remove-source-files option

rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh /this/dir remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir 

a quick test gives;

[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ mkdir test1
[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ mkdir test2
[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ touch test1/testfile.1
[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ ls test1/
[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ rsync --remove-source-files -av -e ssh test1/testfile.1 tomh@localhost:/home/tomh/test2/
sending incremental file list

sent 58 bytes  received 12 bytes  10.77 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ ls test1/
[tomh@workstation001 ~]$
[tomh@workstation001 ~]$ ls test2/

As @SvenW mentioned, -e ssh is the default so can be omitted.