Linux – How to add multiple checks of OS for a package in puppet


I have mixture of CentOS , 5.8, 5.7, 6.1, 6.3 , 4.7 Ubuntu, Debian, servers with me. I want all of them to have nrpe installed on them. the problem i am facing is that when i write puppet code to ensure the packe nrpe, it works fine on Centos 6+ , but when it runs on centos 5.8, the package name there is nrpe-nagio, and not nrpe.. I tried to do this in this way, but unable to perform the required checks.

package { "nrpe":
    ensure => "installed",
        name => $operatingsystem ? {
   Ubuntu => "nagios-nrpe-server",
   CentOS => "nrpe",
/^5/: {
package { "nagios-nrpe":
    ensure => "installed", }

   Debian => "nagios-nrpe-server",

How can i have nested checks for what i need?


Best Answer

Inline, nested case statements are a bad way to do this, and it's actively discouraged in Puppet (see Puppet Lint documentation).

The better way is this (I've guessed with $::lsbdistrelease as I don't have a RH system to-hand - you should run facter to determine the correct fact that gives you the major version).

$nrpe_package = $::osfamily ? {
  'Debian' => 'nagios-nrpe-server'
  'RedHat' => $::lsbdistrelease ? {
    '5'     => 'nagios-nrpe',
    default => 'nrpe',
  default => 'nrpe',

package { 'nrpe':
  ensure => installed,
  name   => $nrpe_package,

Explanation (links to Puppet Lint where appropriate):